Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Ancient Indian knowledge (Including Ayurveda) says that combination of honey and ghee/milk is poison or toxic. The honey is a naturally occurring material which is rich in fructose 35-40%, glucose 25-35% and to lesser extent sucrose and maltose. Honey also contains some minerals which are not normally seen in other sweets. Apart from this it contains Clostridium botulinum, a bacteria. Milk is considered to be the best medium for bacteria to grow and multiply. So when honey is mixed with milk or milk products these bacteria multiply and then in turn produce some toxins which is not at all good for the body.

This is what the ancient Buddhist text on Ayurveda, Ashtanga Hrudaya says

"मधु सर्प्पिर वसा तैल पनीयानी द्विशस्त्रिश:
एकत्र वा समाम्शेना विरुद्यानते परस्परं
भिन्नाम्शे अपि..."

Honey in combination with ghee, animal fat, vegetable oils, mixed in 1:1 ratio is poison, or all the combination of these in equal or un-equal proportions can also become incompatible combination (विरुध आहारं).

Another reason for these combination becoming poison is that honey is a complex polysaccaride which requires special enzymes for its break up to be used as simple sugars and ghee is a complex chain of fatty acids which requires emulsification an and action of lipase and other lipid breaking enzymes which in combination interact with one another within our GI tract which leads to indigestion and formation of aama (आमं). This can cause too much accumulation of free radicals within our systems which is the cause of many an illness including cancers.

Honey produced by honey bee contains saliva and intestinal enzymes which generally are protein in nature.
The nectar from flower are polysaccarides carbohydrates which will be broken down to monosaccarides depends how long the enzyme worked and the concentration also.

Nectar from flowers are
colourles, transparent and less viscous than bee honey. The natuer has carefully done this to help the bee and butterflies to suck it from flower safely without sticking. Otherwise bees and flies would be trapped in the flower which ultimately prevent pollination because bees will not approach the flower trap.

Honey when kept for long or frozen as happens in highter latitudes become crystals.

Enzymes are proteins unchanged in mild heat, but when heating directly the enzyme can be precipitated or can undergo glycation also. This can lead the honey becoming toxic.

Research Courtsey: Dr.Sankaran,
Gonobiswabidyalay University, Bangladesh.



Unknown said...

Very nice, simple and effective explanation.

Sandeep said...

I have some research paper results done by a friend of mine in this regard

Unknown said...

In Ayurveda Tuberculosis patients are advised to lick honey mixed with ghee.

Unknown said...

In Ayurveda Tuberculosis patients are advised to lick honey mixed with ghee.

Unknown said...

I have eaten Buffalo ghee mixed with honey for last 1 year in breakfast....but nothing happened with me.

Unknown said...

Panchamirdh is also combination of fruits ghee honey

Nandini pathak said...

I have also tried honey and cows ghee mixed together equally...nothing happnd to me also..

Nandini pathak said...

I have also tried honey and cows ghee mixed together equally...nothing happnd to me also..